Individual Therapy
In addition to working with couples and relationship issues, I also work with individuals. I take a non-pathologising approach to the practice of psychology. This means I believe that psychological struggles are a normal part of human experience and those experiencing difficulties are no different in essence to me or anybody else. Operating from this philosophy allows me to value my clients as equals and empower them as people, rather than treating them as mentally ill patients.
I have a particular interest in a unique approach to therapy called Internal Family Systems (IFS). Over the past several years, I have gravitated towards IFS as my preferred modality, as I have found it to be the most direct and effective method of creating real therapeutic change, and healing. IFS has become a passion of mine, and I have worked hard to deepen my understanding, experience, and competence with this incredible therapeutic model. Many clients have commented, after their first encounter with IFS, that it was the most powerful session of therapy they have ever experienced.
If you are not yet familiar with IFS, I encourage you to start here.