Individual & Relationship Therapy Sydney
This practice specialises in a proven approach, based on attachment theory, to assist individuals and couples with difficulties they are experiencing in their relationships with themselves and others.
Internal Family Systems
Emotionally Focussed Therapy (EFT)
Our Services
DPsych MPhil BSc (Hons) Dip Ed BA
Dr Benjamin R Stiel
Ben was awarded his Doctor of Clinical Psychology and Master of Philosophy in Science degrees from Macquarie University. He also holds bachelor degrees in Arts and Science as well as a Diploma of Secondary Education. He has completed two theses, one examining features of visual perception, the other exploring happiness and psychological well-being from an evolutionary perspective. He has been published in the Journal of Vision.
Please fill out the form to make an enquiry.
Fees are $300 for a 75-minute consultation, or $340 for a 90-minute consultation.
A Medicare rebate of $141.85 is available for individual (not couples) sessions when a Mental Health Care Plan has been provided by a GP.
My consulting room is located in Redfern, Sydney.
Ph: (02) 9474 7518
Email: admin@relationships.sydney